Levelling Up Kingsholm & Wotton

Funding bids oversubscribed as application deadline closes

Clapham Court is at the heart of the area eligible for the Levelling Up Together funding

The county council launched a £1.5 million Levelling Up Together community grant scheme, the allocation to Kingsholm and Wotton is £150,000.

The funding which will be targeted at ten communities in the county where there are higher levels of financial hardship and people that need extra support.

Kingsholm and Wotton is one of the ten wards that will benefit. This all follows on from motion 881 put to the county council in September 2021 by the Liberal Democrat group.

Jeremy Hilton who seconded the motion said: “The deadline for submissions was the 27th of November and it has been oversubscribed.

“There has been no shortage of applications for a grant from the Levelling Up Together fund related to proposed projects in Kingsholm & Wotton. Much more than the £150,000 allocated to my division. 

“I have had my first meeting with officers and Cllr. Hawthorne to look at the proposals. Some are specific to my division and some are multi area applications. My priority is to support those projects that especially help Kingsholm residents who are most in need of additional support, by providing better life opportunities.”

A decision on which projects will be funded is expected in the New Year.

Missing Bollards – Sebert Street

Jeremy Hilton holding one of the rotten bollards

Jeremy Hilton holding one of the rotten bollards

A large number of wooden bollards along the perimeter of Sebert St Rec’ are missing or rotten. They were put in to stop cars being parked on the Rec’ a problem that was evident on match days.

On making a request for new bollards, Liberal Democrat Cllr. Jeremy Hilton was told that the city council policy had changed and that the bollards would not be replaced.

Jeremy Hilton said: “I have written back to the council and demanded that the bollards are replaced to ensure the safety of children playing on the Rec’ and to make sure rugby fans don’t use the area as a car park.

I understand that the council is costing the replacement of the bollards. I am now waiting for a reply. I shall not be content until the bollards are replaced.”
