More must be done to protect tenants who rent their home from private landlords says “Gloucester Born and Bred” Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate, Cllr. Jeremy Hilton.
Jeremy Hilton said: “In the last few years there has been a big increase in the number of people who rent their homes in the private sector. There are good landlords and there are rogue ones.
“Most people just have a six month short-hold tenancy agreement. Tenants can be given just two months notice once the six month tenancy ends. This means tenants having just 8 months to live in their home before they have to move out. Imagine moving home every 8 months out of no choice of your own. I believe this is unfair and disruptive to family life.
“I am pleased that the Liberal Democrats will encourage more multi-year private sector tenancies. They will have an agreed inflation linked annual rent increase built in. This would protect the tenants and reassure the landlord the rent keeps pace with inflation.”